
小皮球 發(fā)表于 2020-3-12 16:37:39

希臘媒體人米哈里:中國給世界上了一堂關(guān)于團結(jié)、力量和耐心的課|We Stand with YOU

本帖最后由 小皮球 于 2020-3-12 16:37 編輯  編者按:2020年開年以來,新冠病毒疫情牽動著全球人民的心。在中國疫情防控的關(guān)鍵時刻,世界各地國際友人心中有何感受,對武漢、對中國想說些什么?我蘇網(wǎng)聯(lián)合江蘇國際頻道推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列報道,傾聽他們的心聲。
click to watch the exclusive interview with Michail Maniatis  媒體人米哈里在希臘可以說是一位家喻戶曉的名人,不僅因為他主持當(dāng)?shù)囟鄼n美食節(jié)目,更因為他曾經(jīng)主演多部希臘電影,作品在柏林國際電影節(jié)、塞洛尼基電影節(jié)及芝加哥國際電影節(jié)上斬獲過多個獎項。20年前,因為同中央電視臺的合作,米哈里第一次來到中國。此后,他多次受邀來到中國參加美食、公益等各種活動,也常常在希臘電視節(jié)目中分享他在中國的見聞。
  中國留下了米哈里的足跡,也留住了他的欣賞與喜愛。由米哈里于1983年出品并主演的影片《Rembetiko》曾獲柏林電影節(jié)銀熊獎Michail Maniatis is quite popular in Greece, not only for the many food programs he hosted, but also for the many films he has acted and produced. His movies have won multiple awards at film festivals at home and abroad, including the Berlin International Film Festival. Meanwhile, he appears often on numerous Television programs giving interviews about his life in China promoting the true friendly image of visiting and collaborating with China.米哈里接受希臘媒體采訪  近日,米哈里接受希臘媒體采訪,嚴(yán)肅駁斥了西方部分媒體對中國新冠病毒疫情的不實報道。米哈里說,自己非常反感一些西方媒體利用新冠肺炎疫情來抹黑中國的行為。, Michail Maniatis was interviewed on a Greek TV program. During the interview, he rebutted the misinformation about China's fight against the COVID-19. He said he is quite distressed about how western media uses the COVID-19 epidemic to "speak" badly about China.米哈里和中國的小朋友們在一起  疫情期間,米哈里雖然人不在中國,但是專門通過我蘇網(wǎng)與江蘇國際頻道從希臘向中國發(fā)來祝福。“當(dāng)出現(xiàn)全球性的問題,當(dāng)這些問題可能威脅到全球人民福祉的時候,中國總能沉著應(yīng)對,提供正確的解決方案”,米哈里說,“而我也很高興地看到,在中國政府的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,你們的人民應(yīng)對疫情是如此高效,又如此有溫度。”
      In the video Mchail Maniatis sent, he said: "Once global problems are created; once the world faces any challenges that put in risk the well-being of humanity, China will always provides the right solutions with serenity."  談及中國疫情防控工作給世界帶來的影響,米哈里說,“我們很感激,中國給我們上了一堂關(guān)于團結(jié)、力量和耐心的課。”       Mchail Maniatis also expressed his gratitude to the lessons that China provides to other parts of the world in the fight against the COVID-19. "We are so grateful for teaching us such a lesson about solidarity, strength and patience," said Mchail Maniatis.  “我對中國信心。你們會繼續(xù)以堅定的步伐邁向未來,為了人類共同的美好生活而接續(xù)奮斗”,米哈里說,“你們的朋友也會永遠(yuǎn)和中國站在一起。”      "I am confident that you will continue the solid steps to future history in the best possible way for the benefit of us all," said him. "Your friends will always stand by you."

狼人 發(fā)表于 2020-3-12 17:33:50


零度完美 發(fā)表于 2020-3-12 17:51:36

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